Short Film
An interabled queer couple spends the night together for the first time, and confronts their complex relationships with desire, sexuality, bodily autonomy, and what it means truly to love another person.

Short of the Week, NYWIFT Emerging Filmmaker Award Newfest 2023, U.S. Narrative Short Special Mention Outfest 2023, Colin Higgins Youth Filmmaker Grant Frameline 2023

Writer & Director: Daisy Friedman
Producers: Justine Sweetman, Eve Robitshek, Daisy Friedman, Aspen Nelson
Lead Cast: Bri Scalessi, Estefania Giraldo
Cinematographer: Idil Eryurekli
Editor: Sophie Worm
Production Designer: Isabella Evans
Composer: Joseph Magee
Production Company: Real New Collective

Crossing the Uncanny Valley